The meeting of the AK Complement System will take place April 9th to 11th 2025 at the Hotel Hafen Hamburg in Hamburg.
AK Complement System
Meeting AK Complement System
All participants can submit a title for an oral presentation. Please download the template for the abstract HERE and upload it during registration. You will receive a confirmation for the submission of the title.
The format of the oral presentations (15 min talk with 5 min discussion OR 5 min impulse talk) will be chosen from the submitted title and key points. Please, indicate during registration whether you are interested in a long talk (15 min) or an impulse talk (5 min).
The program 2025
Presentations and discussions will be in English.
Wed, April 09
14:00-17:00 registration & teaching day
17:00 welcome reception
19:00 dinner
Thu, April 10
8:30 till 18:00 scientific program (short and long talks chosen from abstracts and one invited talk) Coffee breaks, lunch and dinner are provided
Fri April 11
8:30 till 13:00 scientific program (short and long talks chosen from abstracts and one invited talk) Coffee is provided; There will be a packed lunch.
Registration fees
125 € students
225 € regular
The registration deadline has been extended until Feb 17, 2025.
The registration fee includes participation in the scientific sessions, coffee breaks, lunch breaks and a dinner.
Accommodation (room and breakfast) is not included in the registration fee and needs to be booked separately.
The meeting will take place at Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Seewartenstraße 9, 20459 Hamburg.
Accommodation (room and breakfast) is not included in the registration fee and needs to be booked separately. There are many other opportunities to stay at a hotel nearby the venue. Please check these options e.g. on google maps.
Hotel Hafen Hamburg
Seewartenstraße 9
20459 Hamburg.
Cooperation partners 2025
We thank the following companies and institutions for their support: