Past events
2.2.2022: Kick-off event – Screening of the film ‘Picture a Scientist’. Including discussion.
16.2.2022: Prof. Dr. Özlem Türeci, Mainz
27.4.2022: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Köhl, Leipzig
7.12.2022: Prof. Dr. Christine Falk, Hannover
22.2.2023: Prof. Dr. Rita Carsetti, Rome (Italy)
29.3.2023: Prof. Dr. Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Nijmegen/Bielefeld
11.10.2023: Prof. Dr. Gabriela Riemekasten, Lübeck
08.11.2023: Prof. Dr. Christina Zielinski, Jena
20.03.2024: Prof. Dr. Katja Simon, Berlin
16.10.2024: Prof. Dr. Diana Dudziak, Jena
29.01.2025: Prof. Dr. Susana Minguet, Freiburg
In this series of lectures, the DGfI Commission on Gender Equality and Career Development provides a forum for excellent female immunologists. They will share their exciting research, but also talk about their experiences in forming a career as women in STEM (=MINT).
21.05.2025 | 4-6pm | Prof. Dr. Eva Tolosa
Registration for 21.05.2025, speaker: Prof. Dr. Eva Tolosa, Hamburg
The lectures are held online and free of charge. You are cordially invitated to attend. Please register via the form below.
About Lady Mary Montagu
Born in May 1689 as the daughter of a British Duke, she broke out of her privileged life, spent time in Turkey, and on her return to England enthusiastically championed “variolation” as a novel means to prevent small pox.
This disease was a major killer at the time. While variolation turned out to be too risky, it changed mind sets and paved the way later for Edward Jenner to develop the much safer technique of vaccination using cowpox instead of smallpox viruses. Thus, despite living in a time and society where women were restricted in so many ways, Lady Mary had the courage to think and live independently, to see the need for finding a cure for a deadly disease, and to promote successfully what she thought was right.
Lady Mary died in 1762.