The German Society of Immunology (DGfI) may grant travel allowances to its members. As a rule, only applications from doctoral students and early postdoctoral students up to 3 years after their doctorate are considered.
The purpose of the grant is to
- promote the participation in scientific events (congresses, symposia, etc. with an own contribution),
- promote laboratory stays, if it is necessary for the scientific goals of the own work.
- membership in DGfI at the time of application must have existed for at least three months
- applications must be submitted no later than 60 days before the start of the congress (receipts of the application documents via email at the correct address).
Please also note that
- that the applicant must give a lecture or present a poster. DGfI expects that there will be a close connection between the scientific work and the topic of the event and that the presentation or poster will present the applicant's own scientific results.
- in the case of grants for laboratory stays, we can only subsidise the travel costs, NOT the accommodation costs.
- no more than two applications can be submitted per calendar year from one institution (institute, clinic). Exception: this regulation is not valid for the DGfI annual conferences. This means that applications for travel cost support for participation in the DGfI annual conference will not be counted under the 2-application rule and can also be submitted if two applications from the Institute have already been approved this year.
- each member may receive a maximum of two travel allowances during his/her career.
- the participation in the DGfI schools (Spring School on Immunology, Herbstschule, Translational Immunology School) cannot be supported, as these are already generously subsidized.
Congress visits: Applications must be submitted no later than 60 days (receipt of application documents by e-mail) before the start of the congress. If you haven’t received notice about the acceptence of your abstract at that time, the confirmation of acceptance must be submitted later. In that case, the approval is subject to reservation.
Laboratory visits: Applications must be submitted at least 60 days (receipt of application documents by email) before the start of the trip.
Applications received after the given deadlines will not be considered. Reimbursement will be made upon receipt of the original receipts, sent in to the main office AFTER the trip.
The application shall be made on the attached form.
The following documents are also required:
- Justification why participation in the event is important for the progress of one’s own work
- Scientific programme of the congress
- Abstract of the planned talk/poster
- List of publications, if available
- CV in tabular form
- Confirmation of acceptance of the abstract as an oral lecture or poster presentation (may have to be submitted later)
- In the case of applications from doctoral candidates: supporting letter from the head of the institution
- Proof of conference fees
- Detailed estimate of travel and accommodation costs. The cheapest mode of transport and special fares should be chosen.
Applications for travel support for laboratory visits must be submitted informally with detailed explanation.
Application form