The internal DGfI members' area of our website is currently available in German only (with some documents being provided in English, too). Please log in via
You will find the following information there:
- List of DGfI members
- Sign up for the DGfI newsletter
- Sign up for the DGfI Young Immunologists
- Sign up for the DGfI study groups
- Cancel your membership
- Downloads
- DGfI journal 'immunology'
- Commemorative publication for the 50th anniversary of the DGfI 2017
- Application form for DGfI travel grants
- Archive
- Protocols of our Annual Members' Assembly
- Members' magazine 'Immunological News' (electronic archive of issues published 2000-2017)
- Information on our bilateral meetings
- Calls for application for bilateral meetings
- Calls for application for stipends
- VBIO Actualia
- Confirmation of membership