The German Society for Immunology annually awards the Werner Muller Award to one of its members.
It is awarded to junior postdocs (within 4 years after the date of the PhD award) for their achievements in the field of immunology that can be of benefit for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases of countries of the developing world. The nomination should also be accompanied by a peer reviewed publication to which the applicant has made a substantial contribution as evidenced by the authorship of the applicant and by the statement on his/her contribution to the publication (depending on the publishers’ policies). Self-nomination and nomination by others is possible. The prize carries a prize money of 2,000 Euro.
The award is named after Werner Müller, a pioneer involved in the development of the first humanized antibody producing mouse strain, along with countless other transgenic mice used all over the world. He is a founding member of the IMGT database and holds the Bill Ford Chair of Cellular Immunology at the university of Manchester, UK.
The prize 2022 was sponsored by Trianni, Inc.
The Werner Müller Prize will not be awarded until further notice.
Please apply with the following documents:
1. Cover letter
2. CV
3. Publication list with reprints of the most important publications
4. Letter of support by the academic supervisor
5. All documents must be submitted in English.
6. The applicant must be member of the DGfI at the time of application.
Please send all documents combined into one single PDF (max. 10MB) to:
Theresa Hoppe
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie e.V.
c/o DRFZ
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin, Germany
Further information:
Prof. Dr. med. Jonathan Jantsch, Regensburg
Previous prize winners:
Eva Kaufmann, Montreal (Canada)
Rajagopal Murugan, Heidelberg
Johannes Urban Mayer, Wellington (New Zealand)
Susanna Ng, Bonn
Alexandra Ehrens, Bonn
Anne Kathrin Lößlein, Freiburg